Client Information Library


In this first stage of mediation you make the decision to work with us, and we begin the process of understanding your priorities and gathering your financial information.

There are some documents to look over that describe our services, and how mediation works, and items that will help you gather your information.

Click on the title to download



Ensuring Your Success Brochure

This describes what we do that is unique among mediators and financial analysts. It also has a process chart showing you the steps we go through in mediation.

“smart divorce” planner

This is the planner that goes with the “Financially Smart Divorce”Book. It has everything you need to get your priorities in order and become fully prepared to mediate or work with your attorney. To go to the page where you can get the “Financially Smart Divorce” click here.

Getting started brochure

This describes what is needed to get prepared for mediation; our introductory conversations and data gathering process.

financial data paper worksheets

For those folks that do not want to enter their information online these are paper checklists with places to enter your information.




mediation topics - financial and parenting sessions

Simple lists of the various things that are discussed in mediation so you know what to expect and can do some thinking about what is most important to you.

parenting plan template

A detailed list of everything you might put in the typical parenting plan along with options and language for handling each one.

sample reports

Sample exhibits we use to help illustrate long term net worth and cash flow projections. These are produced with Family Law Software. We usually add additional graphs to aid in understanding.




Sample memorandum of understanding

An example of the document we produce that goes to an attorney to be made into a settlement agreement. Every one is different.

ATTorney referral lists

People we regularly work with who have received excellent reviews from our clients. Their role is to help finish up the administrative side of your divorce; writing up your settlement, handling court paperwork, and attending the hearing to approve your divorce.